If today your company doesn’t know what it’s ONE Thing is, then the company’s ONE Thing is to find out!
When you see someone who has a lot of knowledge, they learned it over time. When you see someone who has a lot of skills, they developed them over time. When you see someone who has done a lot, they accomplished it over time. When you see someone who has a lot of money, they earned it over time. The key is over time. Success is built sequentially. It’s one thing at a time.
Apple is a study in creating an environment where an extraordinary ONE Thing can exist while transitioning to another extraordinary ONE Thing. From 1998 to 2012, Apple’s ONE Thing moved from Macs to iMacs to iTunes to iPods to iPhones, with the iPad already jockeying for the pole position at the head of the product line. As each new “golden gadget” entered the limelight, the other products weren’t discontinued or relegated to the discount tables. Those lines, plus others, continued to be refined while the current ONE Thing created a well-documented halo effect, making the user more likely to adopt the whole Apple product family
When you get the ONE Thing, you begin to see the business world differently.
If today your company doesn’t know what it’s ONE Thing is, then the company’s ONE Thing is to find out!
Credits to Keller, Gary; Papasan, Jay (2013)